Generator Rex Wiki
"What Lies Beneath"
Season 1, Episode 15
Air date October 22, 2010
Written by Marsha Griffin
Directed by Chris Graham
Episode guide
"The Swarm"
Images | Quotes | Transcript

What Lies Beneath” is the fifteenth episode of season one of Generator Rex and the 15th of the overall series. It debuted on October 22, 2010.


Following Van Kleiss' demise, Abysus has begun to fall apart, so Circe calls on Rex for help. However, what she and the Pack really want is for him to revive Van Kleiss, so that Abysus can return to normal, but Rex has no intention of bringing him back!


115-Circe calls Rex

Circe calls Rex for help.

Rex and Bobo sneak outside Providence one night, planning to get some fast-food. Suddenly, Rex gets a phone call from Circe saying that there is a problem in Abysus. At first, Rex angrily refuses to help, ignoring Circe. However, he later changes his mind.

Rex and Bobo later attempt to steal a Providence shuttle to fly to Abysus, but are caught by Agent Six red-handed. Rex explains, and to his surprise, Six agrees to help him--on the condition that he and Dr. Holiday accompany him. Six assigns Bobo Haha the job of being a distraction for White Knight, who has not authorized the mission.

When the group arrive at Abysus, Dr. Holiday discovers that the anomaly she detected is causing every nanite in Abysus to become unstable. The once lush forest is dead and withered and there are pools of black goo which Holiday says are highly unstable nanites which are replicating rapidly.

115-Holiday and EVO

The group encounters an EVO.

Suddenly, a giant one-armed EVO attacks them. They put up a good fight, but are soon overwhelmed. Holiday spots Circe, Biowulf, and Skalamander, who are standing on a higher ground. Agent Six exclaims it's a trap, but to their astonishment, the pack is actually there to help, who fight the one-armed EVO until it is knocked out. Rex tries to cure it, but the EVO dissolves into a black goo.

Circe tries to explain what is going on, but Biowulf curtly cuts her off. The team follows the Pack to the castle of Van Kleiss, which is now crumbling into ruin. Biowulf explains that when they lost their master, Abysus itself became unstable. He pulls a scroll out of a machine which states that Rex is the only person to run the machine and re-stabilize Abysus.

Rex agrees to run the machine to stop the unstable nanites from spreading any further. However, the machine starts to glow and begins to bring back Van Kleiss to life. When Rex sees this, he stops the machine mid-cycle, causing the half-formed Van Kleiss to dissolve. Skalamander shouts in dismay to his disappearing master. The Pack try to explain to Rex that Van Kleiss is the only one who can keep Abysus together. Despite misgivings, Holiday tells Rex there may be no other option but to revive Van Kleiss, as his system is the only thing that can absorb the unstable nanites and reign them in for good.

115-Rex revives Van Kleiss

Van Kleiss is revived by Rex.

Rex refuses to continue, until the collapsing Abysus puts Six, Holiday, and Circe in grave danger. Left with no choice, He revives Van Kleiss and tries to fill his foe in on what is going on, but Van claims he already knows what is happening as the unstable nanites suddenly converge on him. Rather than devour him, the unstable nanites are absorbed into him, restoring his strength.

Van Kleiss re-stabilizes Abysus, but refuses to save Rex's loved ones (including Circe), unless he swears his eternal allegiance. Rex agrees, and Van Kleiss lets everyone else live. Proud with his achievement, he offers Rex a handshake to welcome him to his “home”. However, Rex uses the celebratory handshake to discover that Van Kleiss's nanites have changed by the reviving process, making him curable.

Rex immediately cures Van Kleiss upon the revelation, poking fun at his now helpless state. Van Kleiss brags that his true strength and power was not his nanites, but his intellect. Before he can take him into custody, Breach returns and gives Rex a smirk before pulling Van Kleiss to safety through a dark red portal.

115-Circe leaves Rex

Circe flees from Rex.

Rex tries to persuade Circe to join Providence, but she once again refuses, deciding to stay with the Pack, as they took her in when no one else would. She says they are her family and she cannot abandon them. Disappointed, Rex says, “So that's it, then. We're always going to be on opposite sides then.” Circe replies, “It does keep it interesting”. Rex leaves disheartened, while Circe watches the Providence shuttle fly into the distance.


Voice Actor Role(s)
Daryl Sabara Rex Salazar
Wally Kurth Agent Six
Grey DeLisle Dr. Holiday
John DiMaggio Bobo Haha
Troy Baker Van Kleiss
Tara Sands Circe
Non-speaking role(s)

Builds used[]

  • Boogie Pack (x3)
  • Punk Busters
  • Smackhands (x3)

Series continuity[]


  • Dr Holiday's lips are missing when she is shooting the one armed EVO. It's again missing when she uses a Providence grappling gun.
  • When Rex breaks the reactor, the thumb of Smack Hands is coloured orange and a part of it, grey.
  • Biowulf's eyes are missing when Rex is trying to control the nanites.
  • When Rex is saying, “Bet you didn't plan on that, did you, Doc?”, the shadow on his neck is coloured much darker than it should be.


  • Rex states he had the flu once.
    • This implies that his nanites only protect him from lethal diseases.
  • This episode marks the first time (outside of sparse usage of Spanish phrases) Rex acknowledges his Latino heritage. [1]
  1. "Oh, the food of my people." - What Lies Beneath