Generator Rex Wiki

Hey, I haven't visited this wiki in ages, and probably barely anyone will see this, but I think Generator Rex deserves more attention. It had so much potential, but it ended to short and it's a shame that it got cancelled (which is probably rushed but decent ending). Looking back, I find that this show appealed to all ages and was a very well written and animated show that had a large, positive impact on my preteen years.

It had everything: A well fleshed-out universe, decent character development, and my personal favorite: A large outlook on the different conflicting views from normal, uninfected civilians (Hunter Cain), Providence agents (the main and recurring characters but mainly White Knight and Black Knight), as well as different E.V.O. communities (The Pack, the Hong Kong gang, and NoFace).

Generator Rex should come back somehow in some form, whether it be another season on Cartoon Network, Netflix, or in film. Why film? You ask? Well, granted it isn't bad, has a decent budget, good actors, a great script and a cinematic release (definitely not a direct-DVD or a television release), at this current time, a Generator Rex film would be perfect.

I kinda got sidetracked and talked about a movie for Rex that will most likely not happen, but I believe that Generator Rex can be successful if it returns. I will edit this blog post or make a new one about why I think the series failed and explain further why many would find it appealing today (also, why I think a Generator Rex movie would be different from other superhero movies), but for now, time to sleep.

Feel free to post any thoughts in the comments, I'd be happy to see if others are still here.