Generator Rex Wiki
"The Day That Everything Changed"
Season 1, Episode 1
Air date April 23, 2010
Written by Man of Action
Directed by Sam Montes
Episode guide
"String Theory"
Images | Quotes | Transcript

The Day That Everything Changed” is the first episode of season one of Generator Rex and the first of the overall series. It debuted on April 23, 2010.


Fifteen-year-old Rex finally makes a public appearance as Providence's secret weapon to subdue a giant EVO terrorizing the city. Surprisingly, Rex is an EVO too. His nanites grant him the ability to morph parts of his body into powerful machines. Although Rex enjoys his job, he longs for a social life and free time. He sneaks out with Bobo, his only “friend”, and befriends a young teen named Noah Nixon. Providence locates them just as an opposing group does, and they are thrown into a portal. They arrive at a place known as Abysus where Rex is introduced to a man known as Van Kleiss, who seems to have a mysterious connection to Rex. However, he only wants Rex for one reason.


I Can Do Things Like This1

Rex displays his powerful fists as he dives into battle.

A multi-faced EVO is rampaging through New York City, and Rex is called in to defeat and cure it. After the battle he is criticized for his performance and, frustrated by his lack of freedom, breaks out of Providence with his friend Bobo Haha after a ride through the Petting Zoo and goes on a road trip.

In the city, he meets and befriends another young man, Noah, who tells Rex not to hang out with the skaters. After the two talk for a couple of minutes, Agent Six comes to retrieve Rex. At that point the Pack, a group of three EVOs named Biowulf, Skalamander, and Breach, make themselves known. At first, Skalamander appears to be reasoning with Rex, but that is quickly discarded when Biowulf attacks. During the melee, Rex, Bobo, and Noah are thrown through a portal to a mysterious land called Abysus.

The Day That Everything Changed 2

Rex, Bobo, and Noah are tossed into Abysus.

After Skalamander pushes Rex, Bobo, and Noah into the portal to Abysus, Van Kleiss walks towards the group as little red flowers sprout around his feet. Rex notes that he can control nature, which Van Kleiss affirms, though not in the way Rex understands. Van Kleiss explains who he and his Pack are and what they stand for. Van Kleiss then directs the group to his castle.

As they walk through the deteriorated castle, Van Kleiss tells them that the nanites are a gift, and not a plague, to which Rex swiftly disagrees. Van Kleiss states that “[they're] not all savages” and that Rex has barely realized his full potential. Rex wonders how he can know about his full potential and power when he does not even know about his past, to which Van Kleiss promises he will tell him about his family history. He first tells Biowulf to take Noah and Bobo to the garden. After they leave, he leads Rex to a throne room and explains the Nanite Event to him.

After he finishes, Rex asks what the Nanite Project and Event have to do with him. Van Kleiss replies that it has everything to do with him, at which point numerous roots burst through the castle floor and seize Rex. Van Kleiss explains that his body is unstable and requires a constant, fresh supply of active nanites to ensure his survival. Then the pins in his fingers turn into needles, and he stabs Rex's chest with them, causing Rex to groan in pain.

In the “garden”, Noah notes the statues are probably not statues, to which Skalamander replies “smart kid” and takes a swing at them. Another fight with the Pack follows. Afterward, Noah and Bobo escape the Pack and rush back into the castle.


Rex and his friends flee from Van Kleiss.

Rex is still trapped, and Van Kleiss states that he is disappointed in Rex for not fighting back. Noah and Bobo get back to where Rex and Van Kleiss are, and Bobo throws a large rock at Van Kleiss, which gives Rex the chance to fight back. After Rex kicks Van Kleiss into a wall with his Punk Buster, Rex, Noah, and Bobo flee on Rex's Boogie Pack, dodging gigantic roots and trees that try to take them down as they fly away from the castle. Van Kleiss manifests himself through very large trees and asks where Rex is running to, as Providence will just use him as a weapon and lock him up. This causes Rex's nanites to short out and the three crash into the forest.

After the crash, Rex struggles to regain his powers back, but to no avail. The Pack appears a moment later through one of Breach's portals. Biowulf moves in to strike, but is hit by Agent Six. Six quickly dispatches the Pack, while Rex warns him about Van Kleiss. Six reveals Providence already knew about Van Kleiss, but he was never a problem until now. Rex is glad to see Six, but is a little snarky that it was only him, as he figured that Providence would send an entire army after him. Six tells him they did, and indicates the remains of a small Providence army ensnared in vines and being drained of nanites. Rex is horrified to see them, but Six tells Rex not to think about it. Just then Van Kleiss appears, breaking up the conversation and begins to attack.

Agent Six keeps Van Kleiss away while Rex can do nothing but watch. Noah and Rex suddenly realize that Van Kleiss does not just control the earth itself, but that he is “a part of it” and Rex realizes that all of Abysus is infected with live nanites that are tied to Van Kleiss. Rex's nanites reactivate, and he goes for the final blow on Van Kleiss with the Big Fat Sword. It connects and Van Kleiss is cut in half, but as Rex, Noah, Bobo, and Agent Six leave, Van Kleiss resurrects himself with matter from his land.

Agent Six decides that Rex does indeed need more freedom and introduces him and Bobo to their new room. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Noah was hired by White Knight to keep an eye on Rex and influence him in order to make him more obedient.


Voice Actor Role(s)
Daryl Sabara Rex Salazar (debut)
Shades (debut)
Wally Kurth Agent Six (debut)
Grey DeLisle Dr. Holiday (debut)
Diane Farrah (debut)
John DiMaggio Bobo Haha (debut)
Skalamander (debut)
Providence Agent (debut)
J. K. Simmons White Knight (debut)
Cured EVO (debut)
Fred Savage Noah Nixon (debut)
Beagle (debut)
Troy Baker Van Kleiss (debut)
Biowulf (debut)
Hynden Walch Breach (debut)

Builds used[]

  • Smack Hands (debut) x 2 | Drill mode (Debut) x 1
  • Boogie Pack (debut) x 2
  • Slam Cannon (debut) x 1
  • Rex Ride (debut) x 3
  • Punk Busters (debut) x 1
  • B.F.S (debut) x 1


  • When Rex shoots the projectiles, the disc surrounding the screw is grey instead of black.
  • In the scene where Rex, Noah, and Bobo fight with Van Kleiss, part of Bobo's head is gray when it should be brown.
  • In the scene where Van Kleiss asks Rex where he's running to, Noah's mouth is synced to the lines as if he's speaking them.
  • When Rex is about to strike Van Kleiss in midair, the nanite growth around the BFS is missing.


  • The episode won an Emmy in the 62nd Primetime Emmy Awards for Outstanding Individual in Animation.
  • The episode title is an indirect implication to the Nanite Event, which Rex simply mentions as an explosion.
  • The skaters are loosely based on the show's creators, Man of Action. While they aren't voiced by them in this episode (instead being voiced by Fred Savage and Daryl Sabrara), they are all voiced by their respective “men of action” in the episode Grounded.
  • Rex's amnesia and age are mentioned for the first time by Doctor Holiday.