Generator Rex Wiki
"String Theory"
Season 1, Episode 2
Air date April 30, 2010
Written by Man of Action
Directed by Rick Morales
Episode guide
"The Day That Everything Changed"
"Beyond the Sea"
Images | Quotes | Transcript

"String Theory" is the second episode of season one of Generator Rex and the second of the overall series. It debuted on April 30, 2010.


White Knight is ready to take extreme measures against a body-controlling EVO that has taken over Manhattan, but can Rex find a cure before it's too late?


Rex fights the cactus EVO

Rex flies into battle after Providence requests for backup.

The episode opens in a Mexican village with a humanoid cactus EVO on a rampage. A young boy attempts to stop Rex from killing it, explaining that it is really a priest named Father Jose. Moved by the boy's protest, Rex digs underneath the priest and cures him.

Rex decides to go and ask Noah's advice about fighting EVOs and ultimately decides that while the havoc caused by EVOs must be quelled effectively, many of them are still very human and to their loved ones he is hurting/killing their loved ones.

Agent Six arrives at the scene to bring Rex to Providence for a briefing on an EVO attack. At HQ, Doctor Holiday explains that a man named Peter Meechum went EVO exactly eight hours ago. In addition to growing an external brain and four spider-like legs, he gained the ability to activate dormant nanites inside of people, placing the bodies of said victims under his control, but not their minds. In the eight hours of being an EVO, Meechum has converted eleven million people into an army. Providence was hoping they could negotiate with Peter, but it seems he has caved into his EVO instincts.

Zombie Bobo attacks Rex and Six

Bobo Haha is affected by Peter Meechum's abilities and falls under his control.

Upon arriving in New York, the hub of Meechum's army, Rex attempts to cure and contain Meechum; however, because Meechum blocks Rex from curing him and because of the zombie EVO army, which now includes a newly “zombified” Bobo as a hostage, Rex fails miserably. Thus, White Knight orders the Bleach Protocol, a tactical nuclear weapon that will wipe out the area. With no other choice, Rex has Noah break into Peter Meechum's house, where they discover that the “her” Peter was talking about is really his daughter, Sarah Meechum, who has been kidnapped.

Rex confronts Peter and his army on the Manhattan Bridge, with the nuke counting down. With Rex's promise to save Sarah when the fighting is over, Peter allows Rex to cure him and Rex deactivates the bomb with seconds to spare (not knowing Six had already deactivated it). Afterwards, Rex successfully rescues Sarah and both Peter and Sarah are put into protection from whomever was responsible.

Meanwhile, Biowulf explains to Van Kleiss that Sarah has been rescued and Peter cured, leaving Van Kleiss with a face of grim determination.


Voice actor Role(s)
Daryl Sabara Rex Salazar
Wally Kurth Agent Six
Captain Calan (debut)
John DiMaggio Bobo Haha
Fred Savage Noah
J. K. Simmons White Knight
Grey DeLisle Dr. Holiday
Little Spanish boy (debut)
Diane Farrah
Jeff Glen Bennett Peter Meechum (debut)
Troy Baker Biowulf
Captured zombie (debut)
Non-speaking role(s)
Diner Waitress (debut)
Sarah Meechum (debut)
Father Jose (debut)
Van Kleiss

Builds used[]

  • Boogie Pack x 2 | Turnbine Cables Launcher (debut) x1
  • Punk Busters x 2 | Super Jump mode (debut) x 1
  • B.F.S x 1
  • Smack Hands x 7 | Drill mode x 4
  • Infected Smack Hands (debut/temporaly) x 1
  • Rex Ride x 1


  • Six's ear bud is not visible when he asks Rex for his ETA
  • The nuts around Punk Busters didn't have drives.
  • When Rex jumps up, Six's head is colored with his skin color instead of black for hair.
  • When Rex drilled a hole at the start, the Smack Hands change to grey color. Similarly, when he stops, a part of smack hands is colored orange instead of blue metal.
  • Rex's mouth doesn't move when he says, “Thanks a lot there, Six!” and “He zombied my Sidekick”
  • When Rex enters the main room, his gloves are missing.
  • When White knight calls Rex “hotshot”, his background changes to New York City's ground, despite him still being at Providence.
  • The Smack Hands's screws are missing when Rex builds them in the city and shields himself from Bobo's laser.
  • When Rex falls down from a failed attempt at curing Meechum, the band of his goggles is missing.
  • Before Rex jumped off the bridge, his gloves are missing.
  • The smack hands are drawn incorrectly when Rex holds Peter in the station.
  • When the crowd goes home, some people appear more than once.


  • One of White Knight's Providence agent does a Wilhelm Scream while plummeting to his supposed death on the Manhattan Bridge.
  • This is the first time Agent Six's eyes can be seen, despite with his shades in the way.
  • The debut of one of the original Nanite Project scientists, Peter Meechum, happens in this episode.
  • The sounds, which are heard whenever Rex forms his machines, are different in some scenes.
  • This episode has the most similarities with the plot of the first Prototype game; It follows a striped jacket wearing shapeshifting protagonist as he saves Manhattan from being nuked by an organization trying to stop zombies from entering other parts of the world.
  • It is unknown how Noah managed to get to Manhattan during the events of the episode, though it is can inferred that he simply hitched a ride on a Providence aircraft vehicle due to his status as a spy for Rex.