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Simon Babbage
Simon Babbage proposal 01
Vital statistics
Name Simon Babbage
Base of operations Paradise Island
Affiliation(s) Heaven Society - pro-ecological organization
Physical description
Gender Male
Hair color Black
Eye color Red
Relatives Mia Moore (lover)
Further info
First appearance M. Rex – Issue 1
Last appearance M. Rex – Issue 2
See also M. Rex
Images | Quotes

Simon Babbage is a character of M. Rex.



Simon Babbage is a tall man in his early 30s with short, slicked back, black hair and red eyes. He wears a black fancy suit with black tie.



  • Simon Babbage appeared only in the M. Rex comic series and doesn't have a TV series counterpart.
  • Though given his Physical appearance (Red eyes, pale skin,dark hair and suit), personality (A savior of select species, seemingly very manipulative), and importance to the plot. Simon Babbage may have served some insperation for Van Kleiss

