Generator Rex Wiki

Rex's room.

Rex Salazar's room is an area at Providence Headquarters where Rex sleeps and spends his spare time.


The closet[]

Home sweet hole

The only decoration in Rex's first room.

The first room used by Rex was extremely small - it contained only two beds (for Rex and Bobo), a desk and a chair. The place had no decoration except a huge makeshift "poster" on which Rex wrote "HOME SWEET HOLE".[1]

Second Room[]

After Rex had thrown a tantrum, Doctor Holiday persuaded White Knight and Six to arrange him a new, bigger room.[1] It had some tree-like pipes and tubes (where Bobo hangs, chills out and sleeps), a video game system complete with a flat screen, a couple of drawers for Rex's personal items, along with several posters (featuring soccer, basketball, motor-racing and British rock music) and pictures hanging on the wall.[2]

During Rex's six-month long absence, the wing in which his room was placed was destroyed in a powerful blast. The place was rebuilt, but Black Knight decided to turn the room into a fancy restroom instead of keeping its original purpose.[3]

Third Room[]

Rex's new accommodation was given to him by Black Knight as his previous room was rebuilt as a restroom. The room contains an enormous flat screen, a table, some drawers, bookshelves and bench-like chairs.[3]


  • Rex's first room was often called "a closet" by both Holiday and Rex.[1]
  • Rex likes spending time by bouncing a ball off the walls.[1]
  • Although having more freedom, Rex still has a curfew imposed upon him.[4]
  • As Rex's keeper, Six is responsible for turning off the lights at night[1] and waking Rex up.[5]
  • The flat screen, apart from its TV and gaming purposes, is also used as an alert in case of emergency.[6]

