Generator Rex Wiki
Agents shooting

Providence Agents shooting with the EVO Blasters.

The Providence Agents are the main paramilitary force of Providence, as they are responsible with the security of their facilities and responding to EVO threats worldwide. Although the agents are usually cannon fodder, they are still shown to be brave soldiers fighting for the organization.


The agents have a black and white scheme just like the rest of Providence. They seem to have black suits with a white vest, backpack, utility belt, and boots. They also have some sort of black balaclava with white visors. Their uniforms may vary between ranks.

  • Admiral: A white sash over the left shoulder, and a white pad on the left shoulder.
  • Captain: The suit is white, while the vest is black. Basically, just a color switch.
  • Sergeant: Similar to a default agent, but with the addition of a white shoulder insignia and lack of masks.
  • Cadets/other agent ranks: The average and most common agent uniform shown, which is also in the image above.

Since Providence is a paramilitary organization, it is obvious that they will have weapons. The most common weapon of the agents are the EVO Blasters, which functions like a semi-automatic firearm. They also possess electric clubs, missile launchers, neural detention grids, Broilers, grappling hooks, grenades and grenade launchers, machetes, pistols, and tasers. ((List of Equipments here)).


  • The design of the agents look minimally similar to Syndrome's guards from 'The Incredibles'.