Generator Rex Wiki

Rex: (Dr. Holiday attaches something to Rex's wrist) Whoa! What are you doing?
Doctor Holiday: Sit still. There are less pleasant ways to get a reading. (Holiday holds up a probe)
Doctor Holiday: Sit still. There are less pleasant ways to get a reading. To figure this out we need a clean base line measurement - No missions, No staining activity.
Rex: What if I don't want to?
Doctor Holiday: Rex, In this line of work we all have to do things we don't like.

Noah: Am I in trouble or something?
White Knight: Noah, do you remember why I've hired you?
Noah: to keep an eye on Rex
White Knight: then how did you say that's been going?
Noah: ermm... Great?
(White Knight shows Noah several photos of Rex in various hilarious situations)
Noah: O-OK... not... not so great
White Knight: you can't befriend a weapon, you can only use it

Rex: (to Noah) Didn't expect to see you here. You're like the only part of my life these guys don't control.

Noah: Sweet gym. Way better than our usual court.
Rex: Even have my own private locker room.
Bobo Haha: (Sound of a toilet flushing. Bobo exits the locker room) Wouldn't go in there if I was you.
Rex: Used to.

Noah: (Notices Dr. Holiday) Who's the hottie?
Rex: Doctor Holiday.
Noah: (to Rex) That's Dr. Holiday? The same Dr. Holiday that's supposedly in love with you? Oh ho! You are delusional!

Noah: (to Six on Rex's cellphone) White promised I'd be safe. This isn't safe!
Rex: Wait. You know White?

Doctor Holiday: Still no powers? what triggered it this time?
Rex: If I had to guess, I would say, was finding out my best friend is a spy working for White
Doctor Holiday: Rex, I had no idea...
Rex: Hey, well... at least I know that this jerk isn't really my friend...
Doctor Holiday: Don't be so sure, Providence can force people to make some very... painful compromises. But that's White's fault, not Noah's.

Noah: (to Rex) Look, let's just get out of here alive. Then you can kill me.

Bobo Haha: Don't go in there if I were you!

Rex: All right. I saved you. Now I never want to see you again. You hear me? We're through!
Noah: Rex, I'm sorry. You may not believe it, but it's true. And if surviving this together doesn't prove our friendship, I don't know what will.

Doctor Holiday: (as Rex is about to kill an Evo) Rex, stop!
Rex: Give me one good reason.
Doctor Holiday: Because Rex... that's my sister.
Rex: ...Can I help?
Doctor Holiday: Sh-she's an uncurable.

White Knight: Listen to me Rex, if I find out you caused any of this...
Rex: I know about Noah! And if you ever try anything like that again, I'm coming after you, White! You won't be safe in that office of yours.

Rex: This was not a fun day, but... you know, my problem's with White, not you.
Noah: That mean you're not going back?
Rex: I don't know, maybe. Holiday says in this line of work, we have to do things we don't like.
Noah: (Some Providence choppers approach) Well you - better make up your mind.
Rex: Don't worry. (Rex flies off) I'll see you around. Providence can wait.