Generator Rex Wiki
Noah and Rex are standing outside of a movie theater waiting for two friends to arrive, but have a small talk in the meantime.
Noah Not only is this a bad idea, Rex, it's just stupid. No, no. Not just stupid—outstandingly stupid!
Rex Trust me, Noah, it's primal; scare Claire and she'll grab the nearest guy for protection, and that would be you!
Noah [From shocked to serious.] And, that would be Claire and Annie.
Rex turns around to see Claire and Annie walking towards them.
Noah This had better work.
Rex [With a tune.] I know what I'm doing...
Claire Are you sure you want to see this movie? I hear it's really scary.
Annie So is a jar of killer bees when it's knocked off a shelf in biology class.
Rex [Gives a strange look.] Uh...yeah! [Wraps arm around Noah.] He's absolutely positive!
Claire and Annie smile at each other excitedly. The scene then cuts to the four inside the movie theater, watching the horror film at a suspenseful scene, however an upsetting scene happens.
Claire Ew! [Winces.]
Annie That actually happened to someone I know. [Covers eyes.]
Rex [Gets Noah's attention by throwing popcorn at him and winks.] Wait for it...
Claire groans and Noah smiles. The woman in the movie shrieks loudly and both girls jump to hug Rex.
Noah [Crosses legs.] Still waiting...
The scene cuts to Providence, where Caesar is playing around with his inventions.
Rex [Rex walks in.] Hey, Caesar!
Caesar Hello, little brother.
Rex [Watches Caesar's invention] Whoaa... is that some sort of a nanite thing?
Caesar [Takes object and allows small tube to emerge from the end of it.] Mango smoothie... but this [Shows Rex another device.] is my hyper-electromagnet that can disassemble a tank from a kilometer away. Mmm, and evidently, can also make deliciously creamy smoothies.
Rex Nice. But what I really need to do is scare a girl into my best friend's arms.
Caesar Oh?
Rex Noah and I took a couple of ladies to a horror movie.
Caesar Ah, to engage their paleomammalian brain so the fear response would be to cling to the nearest male. Did it work?
Rex Yeah... but they both clung to me.
Caesar [Wraps arm around Rex.] I believe the word is "score"!
Rex Yeah, except Noah pretty much hates me now. He was supposed to be the hero.
Caesar continues to drink his smoothie, listening to what Rex has to say.
Rex So I need to step it up and it needs to be foolproof. I'm thinking... a haunted house.
Caesar Yes! A twin challenge! Create a paranormal paradigm with technology to evoke a passionate response! That is interesting! The biochemistry of romance is simple... the neurotransmitter chemical, phenethylamine, is extruded by hypothalamus.
Rex I was thinking less... extruding, more "fog machine and lights".
Caesar Oooh... this would be way better! Trust me. [Smirks mischievously.]
Rex [Chuckles nervously.] Cool...
Opening theme plays. Rex and Noah are now outside of a hotel, waiting for Claire and Annie to show up.
Noah A ghost hunt?! Epic fail, dude.
Rex This is better than a movie. Claire will be clinging on to you before she's even inside!
Noah Clinging? Doubtful. The girls will probably freak at the sheer lameness of this stuff!
Annie [Gasps.] Are those EMF detectors?!
Claire Hey guys, [Takes thermal camera.] and a thermal camera? Awesome.
Annie I knew if we were meeting at the Wrightson Hotel, it had to be about the haunting.
Rex It was Noah's idea.
Claire Really? Extra points to you.
Noah [Scratches head.] Uh...yeah. I'm...fascinated with the...mysteries of the...paranormal.
Claire But you don't believe any of that, right?
Noah [Confused.]
Claire [Looks at thermal camera along with Annie.] At best, these detectors will pick up the electro-magnetic distortions caused by the building's wiring.
Rex and Noah look completely bewildered at the girls as they begin to talk.
Annie Supposedly even weak EMF can create feelings of unease and paranoia in the brain, although it's never been duplicated outside a laboratory setting. Does this work?
Rex [Unsure.] Uh...ghosts make the needle wiggle?
Claire [Chuckles.] Right. Okay, let's go! [Eagerly runs in the building with Annie.]
Noah [After Claire and Annie enter the hotel.] Gee, look at me. 100% cling free.
Rex It's going to work out. Trust me, I know what I'm doing.
Noah [Pauses.] I heard that before!
Rex [Plays with the door knob of the hotel, opening it.] All clear!
Annie walks in front of him and pushes it open. As it open, it swings back and hits Rex in the front.
Rex [Grunts.] So I don't see any bandages. Things must be good with you.
Annie Yep, no more bad luck. I haven't broken a bone this year—at least not one of my own.
The group of teenagers continue to walk into the living area of the hotel.
Noah Wow, didn't expect furniture.
Rex That's because no moving crew would stay! I read—
Annie That they just ran? Completely terrified?
Rex Uh... something like that.
Annie And they would never speak of what they saw. Ever. Supposedly, the ghost of Wrightson still roams the hotel, [Speaks more spooky.] his invisible hands opening and closing doors, checking on guests.
The group becomes slightly frightened while Rex smirks.
Annie Paranormal activity increased after the Nanite Event. Of course, everything was freaky after that, so even a hint of weirdness scared people away. And that's why they closed down the hotel...and left it... [Makes eerie voice.] to the spirits.
Annie pauses and she and Claire begin to burst out laughing.
Noah [To Rex, sarcastically] Oh yeah, this is gonna work...
Rex [Rex wanders off and sees a large portrait of a mysterious old man and with a black cat.] Whoa! There's a guy in need of a party!
Annie That's Wrightson himself.
Noah You sure know a lot about this guy.
Annie [Points.] His name is under the painting.
Claire walks off.
Annie That black cat is an icon of superstition and the occult, which triggers subconscious connections. It's basic psychology.
A marble rolls and bumps into Noah's shoe.
Claire And this is real science...
Noah [Picks up marble.] A marble?
Claire Just a simple test— [Takes marble.] The floor isn't level. And a tilted hotel explains those doors opening and closing by themselves.
Annie Human nature can't be deconstructed into theorems and formulas, Ms. Test Tube.
Claire Science requires provable evidence! Everything else is guesswork.
Annie [Walks away with Claire.] Well, guess what I'm thinking right now!
Noah If we leave now, we can still have a decent date at The Snack Shack.
Rex I spent all afternoon setting this place up to make you look like a hero. Just give it a chance.
Noah "Setting up?" Great! Passing potential embarrassment, and proceeding directly to utter humiliation.
Rex Time to turn on the tunes!
Rex touches a wall and uses his technopathy to allow the house to roughly shake and the elevator to repeatedly open and close, thus frightening the girls. A chandelier from above wildly moves back and forth and breaks, falling towards Claire. Rex quickly jumps in and saves her.
Claire [Breathes deeply.] Thanks, Rex! Kinda handy having a hero around.
Noah walks over and gives Rex an annoyed look as Annie comes over and walks away with Claire. He nervously rubs his head and Noah walks away before he can reply. The group goes elsewhere in the hotel and walk through a large, dark corridor with flashlights.
Noah [Sarcastically.] Nice work back there. How was the cling?
Rex Well what was I supposed to do? Just get Claire to use the thermal camera near the fountain and you'll be... [Spots large claw marks on the wall.] Whoa, check out the claw marks.
Annie Looks like the work of a chisel point pick-axe.
Everyone stares at Annie.
Annie Long story—but he's fine now.
Rex Good to know.
Claire Okay! I say we split up into teams to cover more ground. [Turns on flashlight underneath face.] As long as you're not afraid.
Claire does an evil laugh. Both of the girls continue to giggle and walk off elsewhere.
Noah [Sarcastically.] Yeah. Those two were absolutely terrified. Claw marks— really?
Rex But...I didn't make these.
Noah and Claire team up and walk into the room that beholds the large, frozen fountain.
Noah [Noah uses the EMF detector and quite unsure.] I'm getting strong EMF readings in this direction. Whoa, it's going nuts.
Claire Probably picking up the pipes from the fountain. [Shivers.] Do you feel cold?
Noah Aren't ghosts supposed to be cold?
Claire [Laughs skeptically.] Very funny. The walls of this atrium must funnel breezes to this spot.
Noah [Knocks frozen fountain.] Can a breeze do that? It's frozen solid. [Gives thermal camera to Claire.] Try the thermal camera.
Claire Right! The cold spots are coming from the fountain... [Looks through the camera and notices something strange.] What? Weird... must've been a video glitch.
The group goes back into the living area of the hotel and gather.
Rex [To Noah.] Well, how did the cold spot work?
Noah [Sarcastically.] Wonderful. She monitored wind direction while I froze.
Rex Okay, then go take EMF readings by the sofa. [Noah stares.] Trust me I... whatever, just go!
Noah [Walks over to Annie and Claire.] Gosh, the meter is going wild. Something's gonna happen.
Claire Nothing is going to happen because there's no such thing as ghosts!
Rex Perfect... [Places his hand on the wall and uses his technopathy again to throw back chairs. The girls scream.]
Noah [Impressed.] Whoa! [The sofa moves forward and causes Noah to sit in it, allowing the girls to fall in his arms as well.]
Annie That was crazy. How could that happen?
Claire [Panicking.] It doesn't make sense. Do you think it heard what I said? It heard what I said!
The sofa mysteriously lifts into the air, throwing out Noah and the girls. It's torn to shreds by scratches and a large growl is heard. Rex gasps and is shocked by what he witnesses.
Annie Not possible! Not possible!
After the sofa slams back to the ground, Annie and Claire watch shocked meanwhile Noah is still impressed.
Rex [Worried.] But...I didn't... [Pauses] this place is haunted!
The group stands in front of the ripped sofa and stares at it.
Noah Whatever it was, is gone. Excuse us for a second. [Grabs Rex and walks off.] That. Was. AWESOME! What else is in your bag of tricks?
Rex Noah, listen—the howling and shredding; not me.
Noah Must've been a power surge. Maybe your brother's magnet is more powerful than you thought.
Rex Uh, maybe. It was made to disassemble a tank...and pulp mangoes.
Claire There has to be a scientific explanation for what happened so...I say we find it.
A large noise is heard up the stairs and the group looks up to where the sound is coming from in fear.
Claire [Startled.] What was that?
Noah [Heroically.] You three stay here. I'll check it out.
Rex [Nervous.] Uhh, I'd better go. You stay.
Noah No, I'll go.
Rex No, I will!
Claire We're all going, nobody splits up.
Annie Not that it's a ghost or anything...
Claire [Startled.] Right! 'Cause that's...ridiculous.
The group enters a large diner with round tables.
Annie Maybe that crash was a stray cat?
Noah Let's hope so...
Rex Here, kitty! Here, kitty...meow.
Annie It could be a dog.
Rex Here, doggy! Here, doggy!
Annie Or a raccoon.
The group hears a loud, deep growl in front of them.
Annie [Clings to Rex.] Racoons do that, right?
The chairs begin to be pushed out of the way as the ghost moves closer and closer towards them. The gang hastily runs out of the diner and then stops to catch their breaths.
Annie [Breathes deeply.] Okay, that was more than a cold spot.
Rex [Breathless.] We need to get out of here!
Noah No! This is too important, we have to document it, [Heroically.] like scientists!
Rex Something weird is happening here—something dangerous.
Noah [Heroically.] Facing the unknown is always dangerous, my friend.
Rex Noah, this is real! It isn't one of my tricks.
Noah [Smile vanishes.] It isn't?
Claire And by "tricks", you mean what exactly? [The girls look sternly at Rex, causing him to feel ashamed.]
They all go by the fountain and Annie begins cracking through the ice using a shovel
Claire So you thought you could have some fun scaring the girls?
Rex No. That wasn't what–
Claire And you were the mastermind using this electromagnet to move stuff around?
Rex I moved the couch, I didn't shred it!
Claire Probably a power surge.
Noah That's what I said!
Claire I thought you were different!
Noah I'm different! Way different, I would never be...uh...the same, 'cause...I'm different.
Annie Claire! Look at this [Places down the shovel and grabs a device.] This is more your kind of stuff, but I'm impressed. [Mistakenly drops the device causing a cold gust of ice cold wind to emit from it, causing Noah to freeze whole.]
Claire A mini chiller. I read about this in science journals. Never thought I'd hold one.
Rex That's my brother's design. [Breaks Noah out of the ice with Smack Hand.]
Claire We weren't talking to you. [Claire turns back to Annie.]
Rex Well... I'm talking now. There's something in this hotel that I didn't fake, we need to leave before someone is hurt.
Claire Because Annie and I are so helpless, right? I seem to remember kicking some EVO tail at the Prom.
Annie Yeah! [Thinks.] Of course, we had a fully armed battle tank then.
Noah Rex, the plan's a bust, give it up.
Suddenly, the glasses and windows in the room all begin to shatter, leaving the group terrified.
Annie But it's not like getting out of here is a bad idea.
Rex Run. Now!
All four begin to sprint to an escape until the fallen chandelier and furniture is mysteriously thrown at them. They all scream and duck, dodging the incoming objects..
Rex I'll make our own door if I have to!
Rex forms his Smack Hands and proceeds to punch until he is mysteriously repelled by an unseen force. The group gasps, meanwhile he is continuously slammed and battered against the walls and ceilings of the hotel. Rex then feels the invisible being, revealed to be an EVO Rex is tossed one final time and groans in pain.
Noah [Runs to Rex.] Rex, are you okay? That wasn't a trick! That was a real ghost.
Rex [Weakly.] It's not a's an EVO [Vision becomes blurry and falls unconscious.]
Annie [Plays with the drinking fountain handle.] Come on! Come on! Where's the water?! [The fountain faucet pops, startling Annie as water flies in the air and splatters on Rex, waking him up. He groans and coughs and she closes it back.] Sorry! Sorry! [Runs to Rex with a rag.] Weak pipes I guess.
Rex It's okay. [Wipes self with rag.] So how long was I—
Noah So what is it? An invisible EVO?
Rex [Wipes face and hair with rag.] I know it sounds weird...but I could sense some sort of group of floating nanites. [Hangs rag around neck.] Like a nanite cloud or something.
Noah Can you stop it?
Rex Not if I can't touch it.
Noah Maybe you should call Providence for backup.
Rex [Shakes head.] I'm not getting my brother in trouble. We didn't exactly go through the proper "channels" to... borrow this stuff. Besides! Dealing with EVOs is my job [Removes rag.], this is doable.
Annie So the nanites are like a termite colony; lots of individuals that make a sort of hive mind that can think without being solid.
Rex [Groans and rubs head] Felt solid enough when it was slamming me around.
Claire That's good.
Rex What?
Claire That's when the nanites are closest together. If we magnetize them, they might cluster enough for you to make contact.
Rex [Looks at Annie.] You'd guys rig up a magnetic field that'd do that? [Annie shakes head.]
Claire [Raises eyebrow.] Didn't exactly cover that in sophomore physics.
Annie [Hands Rex Caesar's magnet.] Try sticking your brother's magnet into the cloud.
Rex Simple enough.
Claire Yeah, but wait until it's slamming you around.
Rex looks at the girls, back down at the magnet and gives an uneasy look. After everyone walks off, he follows. He uses the magnet and raises it in the air around the room. He walks beside Wrightson's portrait and looks at it.
Rex At least we don't have to worry about Wrightson's ghost anymore.
Noah Unless he's the EVO.
Rex Great! Ghost EVOs, because I was getting bored with the normal stuff.
The group then hears large growling and brace themselves.
Rex Get down! [After the gang ducks Rex activates his left Smack Hand.]
Looking through the optical vision of the EVO, it is seen charging down the stairs and runs straight towards Rex. Rex is lifted into the air by his arm and swung around the room.
Rex Whoa-oa-oa! I wasn't that bored! [Rex pulls out the magnet and attempts to stick it into the cloud. It powers on and it slips out of his hand as he is continuously swung around the room.]
He is finally released and he quickly activates his Punk Busters, helping him break his fall against the wall. He jumps off the wall and lands on the floor of the hotel. The magnet rolls near Noah and he dashes to get it. Noah is then lifted into the air by the EVO.
Claire [Runs but is held by Annie.] Noah!
Noah activates the magnet and extends it towards the EVO He is dropped and a cloud of nanites are spotted forming together.
Noah [Surprised.] I did it!
Rex runs towards Noah, grabs the magnet, and throws it to the side. He forms his Punk Buster, grabs Noah and tosses him over his shoulder. Meanwhile the girls run up the stairs, Rex jumps up the stairs and lets Noah down, deactivating his Punk Busters. The group watches the magnet pull together a gruesome, grotesque looking EVO with razor sharp claws, no eyes, a large tail, and fangs. After it's fully together, it lets out a loud roar.
Noah Maybe you should call Providence for backup now!
Rex Are you kidding? [Forms his Funchucks.] Now I can touch it [Jumps from upper level and swings at the EVO.]
It cuts away and back. Rex lands and hits the floor, causing a large dent in the hotel floor, but continues to have close combat with the EVO. The EVO gets a lucky hold and climbs on top of the right Funchuck, but Rex quickly knocks him over with the other.
Rex Do I have your attention now? [Slams Funchuck together, causing a large blast to fly out and knock the EVO back.] Good. [Deactivates Funchucks.] Just hold still and I'll get those nanites out of you.
Noah I thought you couldn't cure non-humans?
Rex Getting better. Let's hope I get lucky. [Rex places his palms down on the EVO that soon turns into a cloud again.] Huh?! [The EVO forms back into it's solid state and whips Rex with his tail, sending him forward. Rex falls into a dodge roll and stands.] Good trick, [Forms Blast Caster.] here's one of mine. Now come here and we'll see if I can cure you! [Rex swings his Blast Caster at the EVO and it falls to a cloud on contact. Once again, it forms behind him.]
Annie The magnet isn't strong enough!
Noah Is there a way to fix that?!
Claire It probably has a neodymium alloy core which increases its strength the colder it gets!
Annie We need the mini-chiller.
Noah That was covered in sophomore science?
Claire [Winks] Extra credit project.
The group watches the fight, but notice that the mini-chiller isn't too far away from the battlefield. While Rex fights the EVO he grabs a wooden chair with his Blast Caster and flings it at the EVO The EVO smashes it with his claws, causing it to break. Noah, Claire, and Annie run to get the mini-chiller, but the EVO's tail knocks it back. Annie runs after it and successfully picks it up.
Annie I got it! [Accidentally touches switch.] Whoops...
The entire floor of the hotel completely freezes and Claire and Noah are left standing in the way of the EVO The EVO falls backwards after behind hit by Rex and to avoid being crushed, Noah pushes himself and Claire out of the way and slide across the floor. The EVO chases after them, and Claire and Noah slide into an opening elevator door. Rex uses his Blast Caster to quickly press the elevator button and the door closes instantly, causing the EVO to slam into the elevator, making a massive dent. The EVO recovers and looks up at Annie, who is now in shock. Rex quickly forms his Rex Ride and speeds over to Annie to rescue her. After he drives off, the EVO grabs Rex's Rex Ride and causes him to lose his steering. He quickly jumps off the ground and forms his Punk Busters to land on the ice. The rough landing causes the mini-chiller to drop from Annie's grip and slide under a nearby sofa. The scene then cuts to the elevator where Noah and Claire are trapped. While Noah is banging the elevator door, Claire is crouched in fetal position in the corner.
Noah [Continuously bangs elevator door.] Hey Rex! When you have a sec; we're stuck! [Stops banging and sighs.]
Claire begins to hyperventilate.
Noah Claire? Are you okay?
Claire I'm good. [Makes peace sign.] No problems.
Noah Claire, by any chance, are you, um, claustrophobic?
Claire [Looks up.] Lil' bit.
The camera pans in closer to Noah and then cuts over to Rex and Annie still in the same predicament they were in before.
Rex Get the freezer thingy, I'll keep it busy! [Rex deactivates his Punk Busters and places Annie down. While Annie runs off, Rex forms his Rex Ride and lures the EVO elsewhere. The scene cuts back to the elevator scene where Noah walks up to Claire and crouches in front of her.]
Noah That's right. Deep breaths. [Grabs faces.] Don't look at the walls, look at me. [Pauses.] I'm so sorry for getting you into this. No matter what happens, I will get you out here safe and sound.
Claire [Sighs.] Right. [Jokingly.] As soon as you find a crowbar.
Noah [Pats himself] I swear I had it with me this morning. [Rests hand on Claire's hand.] It's gonna be okay.
The scene cuts back to Rex who is driving throughout the hotel. Racing down a hall, the EVO chases him. He turns around and notices the EVO has vanished.
Rex Come on kitty, kitty, kitty. Put a move on!
"Rex races back towards the opposite direction and the EVO does a sneaky move to attack him from the side and send him crashing into another room. The camera cuts back to Annie who is still reaching for the mini-chiller under the sofa. After a few tries, she gives up.
Annie This is not working. [Stands up.] I need a plan B.
Rex comes crashing out from one of the walls from the upper levels of the hotel and alerts Annie. He crashes down on the lower level with the EVO Annie leaps out of the way and Rex crashes into the sofa, causing it to break into pieces. Rex groans and quickly recovers.
Rex You okay?!
Annie [Makes peace sign overhead.] Just another Monday for me!
Rex goes back into battle and fights the EVO Annie looks back and realizes the mini-chiller is now visible and happily runs over to get it. The EVO transports behind Rex and grabs him by the shirt with his fangs. Annie grabs the chiller and faces Rex and the EVO.
Annie Rex! Duck! [Activates chiller instantly freezing the EVO with Rex's Smack Hand partially between its mouth.]
Rex [Shivering.] H-ho-how would ducking have helped? [Deactivates Smack Hand, causing the ice to break and fall off his arm.] Let's give this one more shot [Cures EVO revealing to be a small black cat.]
Black cat Meow!
Annie Aw, you're such a pretty kitty! [Lifts purring cat and pets it.] He's so soft.
Rex Annie, maybe you're not the one to be handling a black cat.
Black cat Meow! Meow! [Hisses at Rex.]
The scene then cuts to Rex using his Smack Hands to pry open the jammed doors of the elevator. Both Rex and Annie notice Noah and Claire cuddled with one another as they sit on the floor of the elevator.
Noah Bro, haven't you ever heard of knocking?
Claire playfully elbows Noah and Annie and Rex look at both of them in satisfaction. The scene then cuts to the outside of the hotel, where it shows the group walking out and Annie still holding the black cat. Claire walks toward Noah and hooks her arm around his.
Claire Thanks. A lot. You were... kind of my hero in there.
Noah Ah, just basic psychology. Not that... [Rubs head.] it's a real science.
Noah looks at Claire and she looks back. She closes her eyes and puckers up her lips and moves in slightly closer to him, while Noah does the same afterward. Out of the blue, a large hologram of a monster appears behind the the group, shocking them. Caesar then walks in on the group.
Caesar Seems to have a battery problem. But you can certainly see the potential. [Looks up and notices Rex and his friends.] The, uh, show you were! [Forcibly chuckles.] Can't get started early enough!
Rex Ladies and gentlemen, my brother; Caesar, the inventor of tonight's illusions.
Black cat Meow!
Rex Okay, most of them.
Noah [Looks over at Claire.] Claire, I thought we might-
Claire [Walks off towards Caesar.] Your electro-magnet uses a neodymium alloy core, right?
Caesar Impressive deduction...
Annie Claire used the mini-chiller to boost its power to condense the cloud EVO.
Caesar A cloud EVO? [Continues conversation.]
Noah [Crosses arms and looks over at Rex.] I'm still waiting.
Rex I'm sorry! Tonight didn't work out quite the way I... [Turns attention to black cat that walks in front of them.]
Rex Did that thing just cross our path?
Noah Quick! [Runs off with Rex following after.] Maybe we can circle around!
The camera pans out towards the sky, showing Rex and Noah run after the fleeing cat while Annie and Claire speak with Caesar.