Generator Rex Wiki
Gwen Tennyson
Vital statistics
Name Gwen Tennyson
Base of operations Bellwood
Affiliation(s) Plumbers
Physical description
Gender Female
Hair color Red
Eye color Green
Abilities Enhanced intelligence
Mana manipulation
 · Mana blasts
 · Force fields
 · Open dimensional portals
Relatives Ben Tennyson (cousin)
Max (grandfather)
Allies Kevin Levin, Ben Tennyson
Enemies Biowulf, Skalamander, I-Bol
Further info
First appearance "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United" (flashback)
"Hero Times Two" (comic)
Images | Quotes

Gwen Tennyson is the cousin of Ben Tennyson and the girlfriend of Kevin Levin. She is a human/alien hybrid originating in another universe.[1]


At some point in her life, she teamed up with Ben, Kevin, and her grandfather and became a plumber.[1]

Gwen accompanied Ben and Kevin to Japan, where Ben would make a commercial for Mr. Smoothie. When she met Rex, she seemed to be impressed by what Ben had told her about his abilities. Later, Gwen opened a portal to Rex's universe for Rex and Bobo to return home.[2]


Gwen is able to control a pink energy called mana, also known as life energy.[1] She can use this energy to shoot attacks, create powerful force fields for herself and others, and open portals to other dimensions.[2]


Season Three[]


External links[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 3.10-11, "Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United"
  2. 2.0 2.1 Action Pack #65, "Hero Times Two"