Generator Rex Wiki
Season 1, Episode 14
Air date October 15, 2010
Written by Andrew Robinson
Directed by Rick Morales
Episode guide
"What Lies Beneath"
Images | Quotes | Transcript

Gravity” is the fourteenth episode of season one of Generator Rex and the 14th of the overall series. It debuted on October 15, 2010.


Zag RS returns in its latest attempt to destroy all nanites. It invades a Providence satellite containing Dr. Holiday and others on board. When they shut it down to prevent Zag RS from escaping, the satellite begins falling towards Earth. It's up to Rex to prevent the satellite from burning up in the atmosphere and to stop Zag RS.


Dr. Holiday and a small group of Providence scientists are on board a space station working on a modified form of nanites that deactivate regular nanites. They nearly succeed, but the nanites self-destruct. Just as they are about to resume, Zag RS attempts to gain access to the deactivated nanite research, which, in its current state, will contribute significantly to her objective of eliminating every nanite on the planet and all life on it.

Dr. Holiday manages to shut down the station's systems, thus preventing Zag RS from downloading into another system and trapping Zag RS. However, the scientist who is with her is sucked out into space. The other terrified scientist, Bouvier, jettisons himself in an escape pod, which collides with one of the satellite's solar panels, thus throwing the station into an orbital decay. Now it is only Dr. Holiday and the last remaining scientist, Pete Volkov, trapped inside the space station without power.

Back on Earth, Providence is trying to bring back the lost crew. Rex convinces White knight that he can fix the station via their Space Elevator. Upon boarding, Rex is launched into space, but unexpectedly crashes through the station instead of stopping. He soon learns that the breaks have malfunctioned. In a rather painful method, Rex succeeds in stopping the Space Elevator using his Smack Hands.

Rex soon catches up with Holiday and Pete. With the assistance of a drone named Salvator, he stabilizes the station so that an escape pod with him, Holiday, Pete, and the nanites can reach Earth. However, it is eventually revealed that Zag RS downloaded herself into Salvator to avoid the effect of the shut-down, and now intends to leave everyone else on the satellite, while she escapes to Earth with the nanites and the research.

Amid the fight, Rex seems to be losing due to Zag RS's ability to control nanites. He exclaims bitterly that Providence would no longer need him if Holiday is able to finish the cure, thus they shouldn't waste time to save him and launch back to earth instead. Dr. Holiday disagrees and strikes Zag RS with the Nanite container, thus saving Rex, but sacrificing the nanites. The episode ends with Dr. Holiday, Rex and Volkov survived, with an escape pod in the middle of the ocean awaiting pickup.


(† indicates deceased)

Voice Actor Role(s)
Daryl Sabara Rex Salazar
Wally Kurth Agent Six
John DiMaggio Bobo Haha
Pete Volkov (debut)
J. K. Simmons White Knight
Grey DeLisle Rebecca Holiday
Zag RS
Doctor Rhodes (debut)
Rob Paulsen Bouvier(debut)
Comm Tech (debut)

Builds used[]

  • Smackhands (x6)
  • Punk Busters (x2)
  • Big Fat Sword (x3)


  • The speed at which the space elevator was stopped by Rex, is 23,123,000 m/s.
  • Bobo alludes to Ham, who was the first chimpanzee sent to space, when saying chimps have a bad history with space.