Generator Rex Wiki

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Hello all who are on this Wiki! We can use all the help we can get so see something that isn't right or isn't there at all, add it!

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(and if an Admin can contact me I can give this wiki a logo)

Some deep thought provoking stuff.[] here we are. Rex has been in Providence for the whole 5 years since The Event happend right? WRONG. Dude...totally wrong. Or at least, the writers need to solidify their story.

SO. In Promises, Promises . Six found Rex on his birthday. Providence was being made. Rex was portrayed as a 10 year old. But was he REALLY a 10 year old? Right now he's 16-ish, and has ben thought to have been with Providence the whole time....but theres this one little statement that got me thinking.

In Waste Land . Rex is talking about how he's wanted to be an adventurer or something since he can remember....suspence....and Agent Six comments..."You only remember the past 18 months." That's a year and 6 months....

So....he either had a white out when he was with Providence or he was really 13-14 when they found him.

Now...what do you think?

The Carrot 03:30, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

You forgot to mention Rex was the leader of the gang in Hong Kong for apparently a few years, after the event but before providence, during which time he seemed to be older than when Six found him in the birthday episode. There must have been some confusion about his on the part of the artists in the birthday episode. Or he loses size when he reboots and then grows quickly back to his true age/size [which should be exactly known known by the characters now that we have Ceasar. But the writers don't share everything with the audience] will Rex now celebrate his original birthday, or continue to celebrate the day he was found as his birthday?Jadisofeternity 19:40, November 21, 2011 (UTC)

Noah should get a haircut[]

Actually I think Noah should really get a haircut,his hair is long and out of style. 11:10, April 2, 2012 (UTC)