Generator Rex Wiki
Season 1, Episode 6
Air date May 28, 2010
Written by Marty Isenberg
Directed by Chris Graham
Episode guide
"The Architect"
"Leader of the Pack"
Images | Quotes | Transcript

Frostbite” is the sixth episode of season one of Generator Rex and the sixth of the overall series. It debuted on May 28, 2010.


Rex faces off against the Pack at a Providence base in the Arctic, while facing a possible nanite overload.


During a fight near Lower Manhattan, Dr. Holiday alerts Rex of a possible overload of nanites, which may prove to be critical. Rex ignores the risk and absorbs the nanites from the EVO. The actions solidify Holiday's warning, as Rex immediately experiences severe pain.

Soon Rex is taken to a remote Providence base in the Arctic, code-named “Paradise”, to have his excess nanites extracted and stored. The base personnel are upset about the unscheduled visit, and Dr. Holiday threatens them to get Rex's treatment. While asleep during the procedure, Rex experiences a cryptic dream in which scientists are watching him play with a High Tech Rubik's Cube, who suddenly turn into horrifying EVOs. The glimpses of the part flash in his eyes as he hears strange codes in his head. When he wakes up after the procedure, he finds the base personnel unconscious, with Agent Six, Dr. Holiday, and Bobo missing, and the Pack (Biowulf and Skalamander) outside.

After burying the Pack in an avalanche, he goes back inside to find that Weaver, the chief technician, has been reactivating and selling Rex's extracted nanites to Van Kleiss. Weaver panics. Rex finds Six, Holiday, and Bobo locked up in a storeroom, and then throws Weaver across the room. Weaver then threatens to open the tank containing the extracted nanites. He triggers the release in an attempt to fool everyone, but it backfires. Weaver gets mutated into a large EVO with regenerative powers due to the enormous amounts of nanites he has absorbed all at once. Rex and Six fight Weaver, while Holiday and Bobo try to get their transport moving before it falls into an opening trench in the ice.

Rex tries to cure Weaver, but unexpectedly taps into nanite communications frequencies and passes out, from absorbing too many nanites. He later wakes up in “Purgatory”, a backup Providence base in a desert, with no memory of hearing the nanites. As Bobo and Rex wander out onto the sand, Dr. Holiday tells Six about an odd nanite code that had appeared on the computer screen after she extracted Rex's nanites.


Voice Actor Role(s)
Daryl Sabara Rex Salazar
Wally Kurth Agent Six
Grey DeLisle Rebecca Holiday
Echoey Voice #2 (voice)
John DiMaggio Bobo Haha
Pyreptryx (debut)
Troy Baker Biowulf
Weaver (debut)
Echoey Voice #1 (voice)

Builds used[]

  • Boogie Pack x7
  • Smack Hands x4
  • Rex Ride x1
  • Punk Busters x2
  • Big Fat Sword x3
  • Slam Cannon x1

Series Continuity[]

  • The EVOs Rex saw the scientists turn into, bear a resemblance to the EVOs seen in Van Kleiss's garden.[1]
  • Rex's lines “Just as warm and cozy as I remember it” and “Well, Weaver’s just as warm and cozy as I remember him, too…Can’t we skip the gas Doc?” imply that he has been to Paradise in the past and has already experienced the offload process.


  • When Holiday puts the mask to Rex's face, her hand is gloved. However, when the scene zooms out, she is not wearing anything on her hands.
  • When Rex gets partially impaled by Skalamander's crystal at his shoulder, there is a hole, but it's absent after he gets hit again.
  • When Weaver tries to gas Rex, Rex passes out and the mask falls off of his face (without Weaver holding it in place). But in the next shot, the mask appears to be attached to Rex's face.
  • When Rex tries to cure Weaver, the straps on his goggles break and fall off his head. When he picks them up later, the straps are fixed.


  • This is the second episode that reveals information about Rex's past. The first is “The Day That Everything Changed”, where Van Kleiss tells Rex that he and Rex were at Abysus during the Nanite Event.
  • This is the first time nanites control Rex.
  • Rex called the "EVO bird" he was fighting "tweety" referencing the Looney Tunes character of the same name.
  • Rex had no problem curing the Multi-faced EVO,[2] but had a problem curing Weaver.
    • However, this may be because the man that turned EVO in The Day That Everything Changed had an average concentration of nanites, but Weaver absorbed most/all of Rex's excess nanites. Therefore, Rex was attempting to extract more nanites from Weaver than from the man in "The Day That Everything Changed"

