Generator Rex Wiki
Action Pack -51

The cover of "Cartoon Network Action Pack №51"

"Extra Baggage" is a part of Cartoon Network Action Pack Issue №51 released in October 2010. It was written by Rob Hoegee and Eugene Son. The artists are Min S. Ku. and Ethen Beavers.


The comic starts at the mountains of Canadian Rockies as Rex is flying using Boogie Pack, while other Providence agents and Agent Six are hiking the mountain. Six asks Rex what's his position is, but in response Rex says that is a "surprise". Following the answer, the other Providence agents start to shoot Rex, while he takes them down from the sky. Rex lands near the secret laboratory, and contacts Bobo, while he is on a jump jet duty. Bobo says that he's bored, and asks Rex whether or not the mission is done yet.

Meanwhile, Rex looks through the window in the laboratory and gets shocked when he realises that Circe is being captured by the scientists. Rex rushes to the rescue and kicks into action using Punk Busters, while the scientists are starting to shoot him. Rex comforts Doctor Fell, while he remembers Rex. Dr. Fell summons more soldiers, at this time when Rex is trying to free Circe from the capsule. Rex uses Smack Hands, breaks the wall, and gets Circe away from the scientists.

In the meantime, The Pack invades jump jet, and Skalamander destroys it, while Rex saves Bobo from the explosion. Bobo starts shooting the Pack using his blasters, while Rex continues to push the capsule with Circe. Suddenly, Agent Six contacts Rex to check his position, and Rex responds it with "beats me". Six arrives to the rescue, in order to help Rex break the capsule.

At this moment, Rex breaks the capsule using Smack Hands, freeing Circe from captivity. Rex and Circe notice that Dr. Fell's minions have been following them the whole time, while Six commands other Providence agents to shoot them. Rex starts bashing opponents using B.F.S, and Circe starts to scream at them. After that, Rex accidentally shoots Six's mecha-spider using Slam Cannon. While Six is yelling to the scientists to fight, Rex is glad that Circe is safe, and asks her to ride on the Rex Ride, only to be interrupted by The Pack. Skalamander breaks Rex's build, and after that Circe gives to Breach Dr Fell's amplifier.

Rex feels betrayed that Circe is still evil to him, and she's is going through the portal to the Abysus, just in time when Bobo starts to shoot the portal. Six contacts White Knight, saying that Dr. Fell's base was successfully infiltrated, while in the meantime, Rex sits with Bobo, and the sad frown on his face. He realizes that Circe will be back to him eventually, while she is on a mission with other members of The Pack in seeing the destruction of an amplifier by Van Kleiss.


(in order of appearance)
