Generator Rex Wiki

Ben 10/Generator Rex: Heroes United[]

Ben: I'm Ben Tennyson. Ben 10. Like, the biggest hero in the world?

Rex: Have anything to say for yourself before I commence the face stomping?
Ben: (as Humongousaur) Yeah. You just made a HUMONGOUS mistake!

Hero Times Two[]

Ben: (to The Pack) It looking like a party?

Ben/Rath: (to Skalamander) Let me tell you something, bad guys whose names I haven't learned yet! You just made a huge mistake! No one touches Rath without permission! And this instance, permission was not granted!

Ben: (to Gwen, Rex and Kevin) We should go. Um, guys? A little help here? (is attacked by girl fans) My bad.

Ben: (in TV commercial) Super Happy Ben 10 Fun Smoothie-san! Super Happy Ben 10 Fun Smoothie-san! Super Happy Ben 10 Fun Smoothie-san! Super Happy yay!