Penetrator God·7/21/2023in GeneralVan Kleiss helps RexVan Kleiss helps Rex - Generator RexYouTubeRex SalazarNanitesVan Kleiss
Penetrator God·3/23/2023in GeneralRex cures Van KleissGenerator Rex: Rex cures Van KleissYouTubeRex SalazarVan Kleiss
EgyptianBatman·8/18/2022in GeneralDoes anyone else ship Van Kleiss with Black Knight?YesNoVote12 Votes in PollVan KleissBlack Knight
Captain thunderfang·4/4/2022in Generaljust saw this in season 2 episode 15You can see van kleiss as one of the buyers on the screenGenerator RexVan Kleiss